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Substantial evidence in a sentence

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Sentence count:25Posted:2018-04-27Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: circumstantial evidencesubstantialsubstantiallyunsubstantialinsubstantialsubstantialityphysical evidencesubstantia
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1. Although the Navy had substantial evidence of several serious crimes, there was never a trial for any of them.
2. There is now substantial evidence that vascular disruption and focal thrombosis, related to macrophage infiltration, occurs in Crohn's disease.
3. But, as Smith's collection testifies, there is substantial evidence of radical millennial and egalitarian solutions circulating during the period.
4. Unpalatable conclusions are likely to require more substantial evidence than this technique can provide.
5. There is substantial evidence in the literature already cited that it has been the critical area of failure in Britain.
6. There was no substantial evidence of how he supported himself financially.
7. We have substantial evidence for lodging a claim.
8. The police have got substantial evidence against the robber.
9. We have no substantial evidence to support this hypothesis.
10. Unsupported by substantial evidence in administrative cases.
11. Substantial evidence shows that inflammation promotes oncogenesis and, occasionally, participates in cancer rejection.
12. Substantial evidence indicates that cell transplantation can improve function of the infarcted heart.
13. End(, through substantial evidence analysis conclusion combine put forward a counter plan a suggestion.
14. Substantial evidence shows that drilling on the leakage of the bubble formation has a good leak-proof, plugging effect.
15. Substantial evidence in the face of the waterfront has admitted two of the crime of robbery.
16. Third , substantial evidence analysis: The actual applied efficiency of different combination models.
17. Carried on the substantial evidence analysis and obtained the decent result.
18. All that is material to this case is what substantial evidence Frank has to back up his claim about Militant infiltration.
19. Many methods are used such as the analysis of substantial evidence and standard, the inductive and deductive method.
20. This research takes the theories analysis, the background analysis and the substantial evidence analysis to together.
20. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
21. However, Younger admitted that US Defense Department had not substantial evidence.
22. Modern school of currency and school of reasonable expectance systematized methods of substantial evidence analysis.
23. The thesis mainly adopted the research method of the theories argument and the substantial evidence analysis.
24. VEGF is essential for embryonic development, endochondral bone formation, female reproductive functions. Substantial evidence also implicates VEGF in tumor and intraocular angiogenesis.
25. Indeed, courts increasingly see a " convergence " between the arbitrariness test and the substantial evidence test.
More similar words: circumstantial evidencesubstantialsubstantiallyunsubstantialinsubstantialsubstantialityphysical evidencesubstantiaevidentialsubstantiatesubstantiatedsubstantiationsubstantiatingunsubstantiatedsubstantia nigratransubstantiationevidentiaryevidenceevidencedsubstantivein evidenceprovidentialsubstantive lawprovidentiallyhearsay evidencedirect evidencepreponderance of evidenceadmissible evidencedocumentary evidencecorroborating evidence
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